USENET Guest Houses Bournemouth B&B Self Catering LIST
(zu alt für eine Antwort)
George Orwell
2008-08-23 20:48:51 UTC
Alex's B&B Bournemouth Homestay (£15 daily £85 weekly)
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B
Tel: +44 7875 364809 - U.K: 07875 364809

Blue Palms Hotel (£30 daily)
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B
Tel: +44 1202 554968 - U.K: 01202 554968
Fax: +44 1202 294197 - U.K: 01202 294197

Bournemouth Backpackers - Homestay - B&B
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B
/ / / / / £9.00 daily \ \ \ \ \ (from £9.00 daily)
Tel: +44 1202 299491 - U.K: 01202 299491

Brooklands Hotel (from £20 daily)
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B
Tel: +44 1202 716352 - U.K: 01202 716352

Cartrefle Guest House (£25 daily)
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B
Tel: +44 1202 297856 - U.K: 01202 297856
Tel: +44 1202 297856 - U.K: 01202 297856

Chelsea Hotel (£27 daily)
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B
Tel: +44 1202 290111 - U.K: 01202 290111

Claremont Hotel (single from £25 per night)
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B
Tel: +44 1202 290875 - U.K: 01202 290875

Clarendon Lodge (from £25 daily)
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B
Tel: +44 1202 396585 - U.K: 01202 396585

Cransley Hotel (£35 pppn - Single sup £15 pppn)
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B
Tel: +44 1202 290067 - U.K: 01202 290067

Cremona Hotel Bournemouth (from £22.00 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B
Tel: +44 1202 290035 - U.K: 01202 290035

Crescent Royal Hotel (£22 pppn)
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B
Tel: +44 1202 393200 - U.K: 01202 393200 or 07970 025722

Denewood Hotel (from £25 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B
Tel: +44 1202 394493 - U.K: 01202 394493

Devonshire Guest House (Phone for Tariff)
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B
Tel: +44 1202 291610 - U.K: 01202 291610?

Ferriby Guest House (Phone for Tariff)
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B
Tel: +44 1202 294836 - U.K: 01202 294836

Freshfields Hotel (£25 pppn - up to 3 per room)
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B
Tel: +44 1202 394023 - U.K: 01202 394023

Gervis Court Hotel (£25 pppn)
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B
Tel: +44 1202 556871 - 01202 556871

Grosvenor Hotel (£39 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B
Tel: +44 1202 558858 - 01202 558858 / 239336

Homestay (from £30.00 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B
Tel: +44 1202 849015 - U.K: 01202 849015

Ingledene Guest House (from £20 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B
Tel: +44 1202 291914 - U.K: 01202 291914

Kantara Guest House (£18 - £32 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B
Tel: +44 1202 557260 - U.K: 01202 395285

Kings Langley Hotel (from £25 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B
Tel: +44 1202 557349 - U.K: 01202 557349

Kingsley Hotel (from £28.00 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B
Tel: +44 1202 398683 - U.K: 01202 398683

Kiwi Hotel (from £30 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B
Tel: +44 1202 555889 - U.K: 01202 555889
Fax: +44 1202 789567 - U.K: 01202 789567

Lloyds Hotel (from £19 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B
Tel: +44 1202 291112 - U.K: 01202 291112
Fax: +44 1202 706092 - U.K: 01202 706092

Lynden Court Hotel (from £12.50 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B
Tel : +44 -(0)1202- 553894 - U.K: 01202 553894

Marlins Hotel (Singles from £25, doubles from £50)
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B
Tel: +44 1202 299645 - U.K: 01202 299645

Mayfair (Phone for tariff)
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B
Tel: +44 1202 551983 - U.K: 01202 551983

Minton Lodge Hotel (£30 pppn)
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B
Tel: +44 1202 395707 - U.K: 01202 395707

Newark Hotel (from £20.00 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B
Tel: +44 1202 294989 - U.K: 01202 294989

Newbury Hotel Bournemouth (from £22.50 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B
Tel: +44 1202 297000 - U.K: 01202 297000

Newpoint Lodge (from £23 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B
Tel: +44 1202 425047 - U.K: 01202 425047

Piccadilly (from £35 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B
Tel: +44 1202 298024 - U.K: 01202 298024

Quest House International (from £29.00 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B
Tel: +44 1202 295427 - U.K: 01202 295427

Rosscourt Hotel (£30 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B
Tel: +44 1202 397537 - U.K: 01202 397537

Russell Court Hotel (from £59 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B
Tel: +44 1202 295819 - U.K: 01202 295819

Safari Hotel (from £30 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B
Tel: +44 1202 290782 - U.K: 01202 290782

Shirley Hotel (from £24 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B
Tel: +44 1202 558244 - U.K: 01202 558244

Shoreline Bed and Breakfast (from £21 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B
Tel: +44 1202 429654 - U.K: 01202 429654

St. Michael's 'Friendly' Guest House (from £25 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B
Tel: +44 (0)1202 557386 - U.K: 01202 557386

Travelodge (saver rooms from £19 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B
Tel: +44 871 984 6257 - U.K: 0871 984 6257

Tudor Grange Hotel (£30 pppn - Single sup 50%)
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B
Tel: +44 1202 291472 - U.K: 01202 291472

Urban Beach Hotel (Phone for Tariff)
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B
Tel: +44 1202 301509 - U.K: 01202 301509

Water Garden Hotel (£30 pppn)
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B
Tel: +44 1202 556700 - U.K: 01202 556700

Wenrose Bed and Breakfast (from £25 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B
Tel: +44 1202 716325 - U.K: 01202 716352

Westbrook (from £25.00 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B
Tel: + 44 1202 761081 - U.K: 01202 761081

Whateley Hall Hotel (£28 pppn - £10 single sup)
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B
Tel: +44 1202 397749 - U.K: 01202 397749

White House Hotel (from £29 daily)
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B
Tel: +44 1425 271279 - U.K: 01202 271279

Wrenwood Hotel (£26 pppn)
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B
Tel: +44 1202 395806 - U.K: 01202 395086

About Bournemouth - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bournemouth

English from the B.B.C. World Service

Anglo European School of English
77 Landsdowne Road, Bournemouth BH1 1Rw
Tel: +44 1202 558658 - U.K: 01202 558658

29-35 Wimborne Road, Bournemouth BH2 6NA
Tel: +44 1202 557414 - U.K: 01202 557414

BEET Language Centre
Nortoft Road, Bournemouth BH8 8PY
Tel: +44 1202 397721 - U.K: 01202 397721

Bournemouth & Poole College
The Lansdowne, Bournemouth BH1 3JJ
Tel: +44 1202 205205 - U.K: 01202 205205

Bournemouth Business School International
Avon House, 26 St Peters Road, Bournemouth BH1 2LW
Tel: +44 1202 780777 - 01202 780777

Bournemouth International Language College
4 Trinity, 161 Old Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth BH1 1JU
Tel: +44 1202 318269 & U.K: 01202 318269

Bournemouth School of English
12 St Stephen's Road, Bournemouth BH2 6JJ
Tel: +44 1202 294938 - U.K: 01202 294938

Bournemouth University
Tel: +44 1202 524111 - U.K: 01202 524111

Capital School of English
324 Wimborne Road, Bournemouth BH9 2HH
Tel: +44 1202 546875 - U.K: 01202 546875

Cavendish School of English
63 Cavendish Road, Bournemouth BH1 1RA
Tel: +44 1202 770070 - 01202 770070

Centre School of English
Albert House, 10 Albert Road, Bournemouth BH1 1BZ
Tel: +44 1202 292323 - U.K: 01202 292323
SMS/Mobile +44 (0) 7850 296358 - U.K: 07850 296358

ETC International College
24, West Hill Road, Bournemouth BH2 5PG
Tel: +44 1202 559044 - U.K: 01202 559044

Fast Track School of English
123 Charminster Road, Bournemouth BH8 8UH
Tel: +44 1202 520123 - U.K: 01202 520123

Globe School of English
1st Floor Punshon Building,
Exeter Road, Bournemouth BH2 5AJ
Tel: +44 1202 552746 - U.K: 01202 552746

Kaplan Aspect Bournemouth
130 - 136 Poole Road, Bournemouth BH4 9EF
Tel: +44 1202 752200 - U.K: 01202 752200
Fax: +44 1202 751749 - U.K: 01202 751749

King's School of English
58 Braidley Road, Bournemouth BH2 6LD
Tel: +44 1202 293535 - U.K: 01202 293535
Fax: +44 1202 293922 - U.K: 01202 293922

MLS International College
8 / 9 Verulam Place, Bournemouth BH1 1DW
Tel: +44 1202 291556/299552 - U.K: 01202 291556 / 299552
Fax: +44 1202 293846 - U.K: 01202 293846

Scanbrit School of English
22 Church Road, Bournemouth BH6 4AT
Tel: +44 1202 428252 - U.K: 01202 428252
Fax: +44 1202 428926 - U.K: 01202 428926

SNT International College
Gervis Place, 1st - 3rd Floors, Bournemouth BH1 2AL
Tel: +44 1202 310500 - U.K: 01202 310500
Twin Room (for two) With Breakfast & Dinner £400 Per Week
Single Room (for one) With Breakfast & Dinner £240 Per Week

Southbourne School of English
30 Beaufort Road, Southbourne, Bournemouth BH6 5AL
Tel: +44 1202 422022 / 422023 / 422300 - U.K: 01202 422022
Fax: +44 1202 417108 - U.K: 01202 417108
GCA Course £175

Westbourne Academy
31 Alumhurst Road, Bournemouth BH4 8EN
Tel: +44 1202 752777 - U.K: 01202 752777
Fax: +44 1202 752778 - U.K: 01202 752778

ZACCARI’S School of English
67 Wimborne Road, Bournemouth BH3 7AN
Tel: +44 1202 311476 - U.K: 01202 311476
Fax: +44 1202 319080 - U.K: 01202 311476

Work and employment agencies in Bournemouth?...

24 7 Employment Services
4 Lansdowne Crescent, Bournemouth BH1 1RX
Tel: +44 1202 296496 - U.K: 01202 296496
Fax: +44 1202 296596 - U.K: 01202 296596

115 Old Christchurch Road, Bournemouth BH1 1HB
Tel: +44 1202 298951 - U.K: 01202 298951
Fax: +44 1202 296311 - U.K: 01202 296311

Aspire Personnel
127 Belle Vue Road, Bournemouth BH6 3DJ
Tel: +44 1202 434888 - U.K: 01202 434888
Fax: +44 1202 429714 - U.K: 01202 429714

Bond Williams
Kingshott Business Centre, 23 Hinton Road, Bournemouth BH1 2EF
Tel: +44 1202 201700 - U.K: 01202 201700
Fax: +44 1202 201645 - U.K: 01202 201645

C E Recruitment
First Floor, 65 Seamoor Road, Bournemouth BH4 9AE
Tel: +44 1202 752275 - U.K: 01202 752275
Fax: +44 1202 768203 - U.K: 01202 768203

City Centre Recruitment
114 Old Christchurch Road, Bournemouth BH1 1LU
Tel: +44 1202 586930 - U.K: 01202 586930

CMA Financial
8 Trinity, 161 Old Christchurch Road, Bournemouth BH1 1JU
Tel: +44 1202 312222 - U.K: 01202 312222

D T G Recruitment
850 Wimborne Road, Bournemouth BH9 2DS
Tel: +44 1202 523006 - U.K: 01202 523006

Electus Recruitment Solutions
Bristol and West House
Post Office Road, Bournemouth BH1 1BL
Tel: +44 1202 296566 - U.K: 01202 296566
Fax: +44 1202 295400 - U.K: 01202 295400

Emp Recruitment
Lorne Pk Road, Bournemouth BH1 1JJ
+44 1202 586786 - 01202 586786

Eulink Recruitment
Suite 15, 26-32 Oxford Road, Bournemouth BH8 8EZ
Tel: +44 1202 290700 - 01202 290700

Fleet Personnel
238 Old Christchurch Road, Bournemouth BH1 1PE
Tel: +44 1202 293344 - U.K: 01202 293344

Fresh Recruits
2 The Triangle, Bournemouth BH2 5RY
Registered Company No: 4425949
Tel: +44 1202 292555 - U.K: 01202 292555
Fax: +44 1202 292666 - U.K: 01202 292666

Futuretech Southern
23 Hinton Road, Bournemouth BH1 2EF
Tel: +44 1202 201775 - U.K: 01202 201775

Hays Accountancy Personnel
128-130 Old Christchurch Road, Bournemouth BH1 1NL
Tel: +44 1202 299161 - U.K: 01202 299161

Hays Accountancy Personnel
128-130 Old Christchurch Road, Bournemouth BH1 1NF
Tel: +44 1202 552500 - U.K: 01202 552500

Hays Montrose
Bristol & West House, Post Office Road, Bournemouth BH1 1BN
Tel: +44 1202 554518 - U.K: 01202 554518

Hudson Cooper Professional Financial Recruitment
17 Holdenhurst Road, Bournemouth BH8 8EW
Tel: +44 1202 298844 - U.K: 01202 298844

Jobcentre Plus
181-187 Old Christchurch Road, Bournemouth BH1 1JU
Tel: +44 1202 276000 - U.K: 01202 276000
Jobs 4 Surveyors
PO Box 5452, Bournemouth BH8 9XY
0845 230 1302

Kelly Services
27-29 St. Peters Road, Bournemouth BH1 2JZ
Tel: +44 1202 200950 - 01202 200950

Key Personnel
78 Charminster Road, Bournemouth BH8 8US
Tel: +44 1202 777717 - U.K: 01202 777717

Lectus Q S
PO Box 5452, Bournemouth BH8 9XY
Tel +44 7000 784900 - U.K: 07000 784900

127 Belle Vue Road, Bournemouth BH6 3DJ
Tel: +44 1202 418222 - 01202 418222

Magpie Recruitment Solutions
101 Commercial Road. Poole BH14 0JD
Specialists In The Construction Industry. Also Recruiting Now For
Industrial, Engineering & Driving. UK Wide. Temporary & Permanent.
Professional & Friendly Service.
Tel: +44 1202 744557 - U.K: 01202 744557
Fax: +44 1202 744583 - U.K: 01202 744583

Manpower UK
114 Old Christchurch Road, Bournemouth BH1 1LU
Tel: +44 1202 294641 - U.K: 01202 294641

More Consultancy Group
26-32 Oxford Road, Bournemouth BH8 8EZ
Tel: +44 1202 589585 - 01202 589585

Morgan Recruitment
214 Old Christchurch Road, Bournemouth BH1 1PE
Tel: +44 1202 291700 - U.K: 01202 291700

Nash Williams
7c Milburn Road, Bournemouth BH4 9HJ
Tel: +44 1202 756900 - U.K: 01202 756900

Office Angels
108 Old Christchurch Road, Bournemouth BH1 1DN
Tel: +44 1202 557789 - U.K: 01202 557789

Office Team
6/Trinity, 161 Old Christchurch Road, Bournemouth BH1 1JU
Tel: +44 1202 405928 - U.K: 01202 405928

P & W Drivers
7 Woodgreen Drive, Bournemouth BH11 9TQ
Tel: +44 7739 531263 - U.K: 07739 531263

P H Vital Resource
14-16 Christchurch Road, Bournemouth BH1 3NJ
Tel: +44 1202 296404 - U.K: 01202 296404

Personnel Service
121a Old Christchurch Road, Bournemouth BH1 1EP
Tel: +44 1202 292203 - U.K: 01202 292203

Poole Computers
865 Ringwood Road, Bournemouth BH11 8LL
Tel: +44 1202 591548 - U.K: 01202 591548

Purbeck Resources
Bristol & West House, Post Office Road, Bournemouth BH1 1BN
Tel: +44 1202 292252 - U.K: 01202 292252

5 Nelson Road, Bournemouth BH4 9JA
0870 906 1101

4 Yelverton Road, Bournemouth BH1 1DF
Tel: +44 1202 299222 - U.K: 01202 299222

Reed Employment Services
44-50 Old Christchurch Road, Bournemouth BH1 1LN
Tel: +44 1202 585804 - U.K: 01202 585804

Right 4 Staff
53 Old Christchurch Road, Bournemouth BH1 1DT
Tel: +44 1202 317517 - U.K: 01202 317517

Robert Half
6 Trinity, 161 Old Christchurch Road, Bournemouth BH1 1JU
Tel: +44 1202 293116 - U.K: 01202 293116

Royal Air Force Careers Information Office
242-244 Holdenhurst Road, Bournemouth BH8 8AZ
Tel: +44 1202 554085 - U.K: 01202 554085

Rubicon Staffing Solutions
169 Old Christchurch Road, Bournemouth BH1 1JU
Tel: +44 1202 298557 - U.K: 01202 298557

Select Appointments
128 - 130 Old Christchurch Road Bournemouth BH1 1NL
Tel: +44 1202 318898 - U.K: 01202 318898

S O S Recruitment
212 Old Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth BH1 1PD
Permanent Temporary Contract Office Commercial Specialists Accounts
Banking Finance Legal Medicine Insurance Reception Admin Secretarial
Sales-Marketing Call Centre
Tel: +44 1202 292888 - 01202 292888

Search Associates
874 Christchurch Road, Bournemouth BH7 6DJ
Tel: +44 1202 422228 - U.K: 01202 422228

Select Appointments PLC
7 Old Christchurch Road, Bournemouth BH1 1DR
Tel: +44 1202 318898 - U.K: 01202 318898

Smart Group Recruitment Solutions
81a Old Christchurch Road, Bournemouth BH1 1HS
Tel: +44 1202 629000 - 01202 629000

South West Recruitment
1 Holdenhurst Road, Bournemouth BH8 8EH
Tel: +44 1202 292907 - U.K: 01202 292907

Staff 2000
172 Old Christchurch Road, Bournemouth BH1 1NU
Tel: +44 1202 292995 - U.K: 01202 292995

Staffing Express
570 Wimborne Road, Bournemouth BH9 2ER
Tel: +44 1202 512266 - U.K: 01202 512266

Supply & Demand
2 Chessel Avenue, Bournemouth BH5 1LH
Tel: +44 1202 568180 - 01202 568180

Tate Bournemouth
24 Westover Road, Bournemouth BH1 2BZ
Tel: +44 1202 319922 - U.K: 01202 319922
Fax: +44 1202 314441 - U.K: 01202 314441

Teamwork Services
13 Cumnor Road, Bournemouth BH1 1JR
Tel: +44 1202 552200 - 01202 552200

26-32 Oxford Road, Bournemouth BH8 8EZ
Tel: +44 1202 294222 - U.K: 01202 294222

Towngate (Personnel)
3 Alum Chine Road, Bournemouth BH4 8DT
Tel: +44 1202 752955 - U.K: 01202 752955

Xtra Staff
34 Ferncroft Road, Bournemouth BH10 6BY
Tel: +44 1202 593333 - 01202 593333


Bournemouth International Airport Limited
Dorset BH23 6SE
Tel: + 44 1202 364000 - U.K: 01202 364000

Bournemouth Airport Shuttle...
12hrs a day from 7am to 7pm
Getting to and from Bournemouth Airport
A frequent, comfortable and convenient service from Bournemouth
International Airport to Bournemouth town centre.
The service runs once every hour from 7am to 7pm seven days a week.
Adult Single Fare only: £4 / €6
Tel: +44 1202 557007 - U.K: 01202 557007


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accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
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rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
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rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
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rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
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rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent -

Il mittente di questo messaggio|The sender address of this
non corrisponde ad un utente |message is not related to a real
reale ma all'indirizzo fittizio|person but to a fake address of an
di un sistema anonimizzatore |anonymous system
Per maggiori informazioni |For more info
Cyberiade.it Anonymous Remailer
2008-08-25 15:28:32 UTC
Alex's Self Catering (£15 p.p.p.n. £85 weekly)
Tel: +44 7875 364809 - U.K: 07875 364809
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Blue Palms (from £30 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 554968 - U.K: 01202 554968
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Bournemouth Backpackers
/ / / / / £9.00 daily \ \ \ \ \ (from £9.00 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 299491 - U.K: 01202 299491
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Brooklands (from £20 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 716352 - U.K: 01202 716352
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Cartrefle Guest House (£25 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 297856 - U.K: 01202 297856
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Chelsea Hotel (£27 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 290111 - U.K: 01202 290111
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Chocolate Boutique Hotel (from £55 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 556857 - U.K: 01202 556857
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Claremont Hotel (from £25 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 290875 - U.K: 01202 290875
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Clarendon Lodge (from £25 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 396585 - U.K: 01202 396585
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Cransley Hotel (£35 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 290067 - U.K: 01202 290067
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Cremona Hotel Bournemouth (from £22.00 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 290035 - U.K: 01202 290035
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Crescent Royal Hotel (£22 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 393200 - U.K: 01202 393200 or 07970 025722
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Denewood Hotel (from £25 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 394493 - U.K: 01202 394493
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Devonshire Guest House (Phone for Tariff)
Tel: +44 1202 291610 - U.K: 01202 291610
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Fairmount Hotel (from £35 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 551105 - U.K: 01202 551105
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Ferriby Guest House (Phone for Tariff)
Tel: +44 1202 294836 - U.K: 01202 294836
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Freshfields Hotel (£25 p.p.p.n. - up to 3 per room)
Tel: +44 1202 394023 - U.K: 01202 394023
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Gervis Court Hotel (£25 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 556871 - 01202 556871
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Grosvenor Hotel (£39 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 558858 - 01202 558858 / 239336
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Hedley Hotel (from £25 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 317168 - 01202 317168
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Homestay (from £30.00 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 849015 - U.K: 01202 849015
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Ingledene Guest House (from £20 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 291914 - U.K: 01202 291914
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Inver House Hotel (from £36 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 553319 - U.K: 01202 553319
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Kantara Guest House (£18 - £32 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 557260 - U.K: 01202 557260
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Kensington Hotel (from £34 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 557434 - U.K: 01202 557434
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Kings Langley Hotel (from £25 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 557349 - U.K: 01202 557349
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Kingsley Hotel (from £28.00 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 398683 - U.K: 01202 398683
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Kiwi Hotel (from £30 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 555889 - U.K: 01202 555889
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Lloyds Hotel (from £25 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 291112 - U.K: 01202 291112
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Lynden Court Hotel (from £12.50 p.p.p.n.)
Tel : +44 -(0)1202- 553894 - U.K: 01202 553894
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Marlins Hotel (from £25 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 299645 - U.K: 01202 299645
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Mayfair (Phone for tariff)
Tel: +44 1202 551983 - U.K: 01202 551983
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Minton Lodge Hotel (£30 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 395707 - U.K: 01202 395707
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Newark Hotel (from £20.00 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 294989 - U.K: 01202 294989
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Newbury Hotel (from £22.50 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 297000 - U.K: 01202 297000
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Newpoint Lodge (from £23 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 425047 - U.K: 01202 425047
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Piccadilly (from £35 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 298024 - U.K: 01202 298024
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Quest House International (from £29.00 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 295427 - U.K: 01202 295427
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Rosscourt Hotel (£30 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 397537 - U.K: 01202 397537
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Russell Court Hotel (from £59 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 295819 - U.K: 01202 295819
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Savoy Hotel (from £43 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 294241 - U.K: 01202 294241
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Safari Hotel (from £30 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B
Tel: +44 1202 290782 - U.K: 01202 290782
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Shirley Hotel (from £24 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 558244 - U.K: 01202 558244
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Shoreline Bed and Breakfast (from £21 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 429654 - U.K: 01202 429654
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

St. Michael's 'Friendly' Guest House (from £25 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 557386 - U.K: 01202 557386
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Sun Court Hotel (from £30 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 551343 - U.K: 01202 551343
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Tiffany's B&B (from £35 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 551424 - U.K: 01202 551424
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Travelodge (saver rooms from £19 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 871 984 6257 - U.K: 0871 984 6257
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Tudor Grange Hotel (from £30 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 291472 - U.K: 01202 291472
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Urban Beach Hotel (Phone for Tariff)
Tel: +44 1202 301509 - U.K: 01202 301509
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Water Garden Hotel (£30 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 556700 - U.K: 01202 556700
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Wenrose Bed and Breakfast (from £25 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 716352 - U.K: 01202 716352
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Westbrook (from £25.00 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: + 44 1202 761081 - U.K: 01202 761081
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Whateley Hall Hotel (from £28 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 397749 - U.K: 01202 397749
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Winerdene Hotel (from £35 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 554150 - U.K: 01202 554150
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Wrenwood Hotel (£26 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 395806 - U.K: 01202 395086
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

About Bournemouth - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bournemouth

English from the B.B.C. World Service

Anglo European School of English
77 Landsdowne Road, Bournemouth BH1 1Rw
Tel: +44 1202 558658 - U.K: 01202 558658

29-35 Wimborne Road, Bournemouth BH2 6NA
Tel: +44 1202 557414 - U.K: 01202 557414

BEET Language Centre
Nortoft Road, Bournemouth BH8 8PY
Tel: +44 1202 397721 - U.K: 01202 397721

Bournemouth & Poole College
The Lansdowne, Bournemouth BH1 3JJ
Tel: +44 1202 205205 - U.K: 01202 205205

Bournemouth Business School International
Avon House, 26 St Peters Road, Bournemouth BH1 2LW
Tel: +44 1202 780777 - 01202 780777

Bournemouth International Language College
4 Trinity, 161 Old Christchurch Rd, Bournemouth BH1 1JU
Tel: +44 1202 318269 & U.K: 01202 318269

Bournemouth School of English
12 St Stephen's Road, Bournemouth BH2 6JJ
Tel: +44 1202 294938 - U.K: 01202 294938

Bournemouth University
Tel: +44 1202 524111 - U.K: 01202 524111

Capital School of English
324 Wimborne Road, Bournemouth BH9 2HH
Tel: +44 1202 546875 - U.K: 01202 546875

Cavendish School of English
63 Cavendish Road, Bournemouth BH1 1RA
Tel: +44 1202 770070 - 01202 770070

Centre School of English
Albert House, 10 Albert Road, Bournemouth BH1 1BZ
Tel: +44 1202 292323 - U.K: 01202 292323
SMS/Mobile +44 (0) 7850 296358 - U.K: 07850 296358

ETC International College
24, West Hill Road, Bournemouth BH2 5PG
Tel: +44 1202 559044 - U.K: 01202 559044

Fast Track School of English
123 Charminster Road, Bournemouth BH8 8UH
Tel: +44 1202 520123 - U.K: 01202 520123

Globe School of English
1st Floor Punshon Building,
Exeter Road, Bournemouth BH2 5AJ
Tel: +44 1202 552746 - U.K: 01202 552746

Kaplan Aspect Bournemouth
130 - 136 Poole Road, Bournemouth BH4 9EF
Tel: +44 1202 752200 - U.K: 01202 752200
Fax: +44 1202 751749 - U.K: 01202 751749

King's School of English
58 Braidley Road, Bournemouth BH2 6LD
Tel: +44 1202 293535 - U.K: 01202 293535
Fax: +44 1202 293922 - U.K: 01202 293922

MLS International College
8 / 9 Verulam Place, Bournemouth BH1 1DW
Tel: +44 1202 291556/299552 - U.K: 01202 291556 / 299552
Fax: +44 1202 293846 - U.K: 01202 293846

Scanbrit School of English
22 Church Road, Bournemouth BH6 4AT
Tel: +44 1202 428252 - U.K: 01202 428252
Fax: +44 1202 428926 - U.K: 01202 428926

SNT International College
Gervis Place, 1st - 3rd Floors, Bournemouth BH1 2AL
Tel: +44 1202 310500 - U.K: 01202 310500
Twin Room (for two) With Breakfast & Dinner £400 Per Week
Single Room (for one) With Breakfast & Dinner £240 Per Week

Southbourne School of English
30 Beaufort Road, Southbourne, Bournemouth BH6 5AL
Tel: +44 1202 422022 / 422023 / 422300 - U.K: 01202 422022
Fax: +44 1202 417108 - U.K: 01202 417108
GCA Course £175

Westbourne Academy
31 Alumhurst Road, Bournemouth BH4 8EN
Tel: +44 1202 752777 - U.K: 01202 752777
Fax: +44 1202 752778 - U.K: 01202 752778

ZACCARI’S School of English
67 Wimborne Road, Bournemouth BH3 7AN
Tel: +44 1202 311476 - U.K: 01202 311476
Fax: +44 1202 319080 - U.K: 01202 311476


self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent -
Artificial Surf Reef Society Ltd
2008-08-25 15:20:17 UTC
Alex's Self Catering (£15 p.p.p.n. £85 weekly)
Tel: +44 7875 364809 - U.K: 07875 364809
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Blue Palms (from £30 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 554968 - U.K: 01202 554968
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Bournemouth Backpackers
/ / / / / £9.00 daily \ \ \ \ \ (from £9.00 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 299491 - U.K: 01202 299491
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Brooklands (from £20 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 716352 - U.K: 01202 716352
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Cartrefle Guest House (£25 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 297856 - U.K: 01202 297856
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Chelsea Hotel (£27 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 290111 - U.K: 01202 290111
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Chocolate Boutique Hotel (from £55 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 556857 - U.K: 01202 556857
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Claremont Hotel (from £25 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 290875 - U.K: 01202 290875
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Clarendon Lodge (from £25 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 396585 - U.K: 01202 396585
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Cransley Hotel (£35 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 290067 - U.K: 01202 290067
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Cremona Hotel Bournemouth (from £22.00 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 290035 - U.K: 01202 290035
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Crescent Royal Hotel (£22 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 393200 - U.K: 01202 393200 or 07970 025722
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Denewood Hotel (from £25 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 394493 - U.K: 01202 394493
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Devonshire Guest House (Phone for Tariff)
Tel: +44 1202 291610 - U.K: 01202 291610
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Fairmount Hotel (from £35 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 551105 - U.K: 01202 551105
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Ferriby Guest House (Phone for Tariff)
Tel: +44 1202 294836 - U.K: 01202 294836
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Freshfields Hotel (£25 p.p.p.n. - up to 3 per room)
Tel: +44 1202 394023 - U.K: 01202 394023
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Gervis Court Hotel (£25 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 556871 - 01202 556871
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Grosvenor Hotel (£39 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 558858 - 01202 558858 / 239336
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Hedley Hotel (from £25 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 317168 - 01202 317168
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Homestay (from £30.00 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 849015 - U.K: 01202 849015
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Ingledene Guest House (from £20 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 291914 - U.K: 01202 291914
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Inver House Hotel (from £36 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 553319 - U.K: 01202 553319
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Kantara Guest House (£18 - £32 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 557260 - U.K: 01202 557260
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Kensington Hotel (from £34 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 557434 - U.K: 01202 557434
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Kings Langley Hotel (from £25 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 557349 - U.K: 01202 557349
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Kingsley Hotel (from £28.00 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 398683 - U.K: 01202 398683
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Kiwi Hotel (from £30 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 555889 - U.K: 01202 555889
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Lloyds Hotel (from £25 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 291112 - U.K: 01202 291112
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Lynden Court Hotel (from £12.50 p.p.p.n.)
Tel : +44 -(0)1202- 553894 - U.K: 01202 553894
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Marlins Hotel (from £25 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 299645 - U.K: 01202 299645
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Mayfair (Phone for tariff)
Tel: +44 1202 551983 - U.K: 01202 551983
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Minton Lodge Hotel (£30 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 395707 - U.K: 01202 395707
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Newark Hotel (from £20.00 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 294989 - U.K: 01202 294989
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Newbury Hotel (from £22.50 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 297000 - U.K: 01202 297000
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Newpoint Lodge (from £23 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 425047 - U.K: 01202 425047
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Piccadilly (from £35 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 298024 - U.K: 01202 298024
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Quest House International (from £29.00 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 295427 - U.K: 01202 295427
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Rosscourt Hotel (£30 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 397537 - U.K: 01202 397537
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Russell Court Hotel (from £59 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 295819 - U.K: 01202 295819
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Savoy Hotel (from £43 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 294241 - U.K: 01202 294241
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Safari Hotel (from £30 p.p.p.n.)
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B
Tel: +44 1202 290782 - U.K: 01202 290782
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Shirley Hotel (from £24 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 558244 - U.K: 01202 558244
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Shoreline Bed and Breakfast (from £21 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 429654 - U.K: 01202 429654
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

St. Michael's 'Friendly' Guest House (from £25 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 557386 - U.K: 01202 557386
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Sun Court Hotel (from £30 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 551343 - U.K: 01202 551343
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Tiffany's B&B (from £35 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 551424 - U.K: 01202 551424
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Travelodge (saver rooms from £19 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 871 984 6257 - U.K: 0871 984 6257
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Tudor Grange Hotel (from £30 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 291472 - U.K: 01202 291472
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Urban Beach Hotel (Phone for Tariff)
Tel: +44 1202 301509 - U.K: 01202 301509
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Water Garden Hotel (£30 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 556700 - U.K: 01202 556700
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Wenrose Bed and Breakfast (from £25 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 716352 - U.K: 01202 716352
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Westbrook (from £25.00 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: + 44 1202 761081 - U.K: 01202 761081
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Whateley Hall Hotel (from £28 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 397749 - U.K: 01202 397749
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Winerdene Hotel (from £35 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 554150 - U.K: 01202 554150
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B

Wrenwood Hotel (£26 p.p.p.n.)
Tel: +44 1202 395806 - U.K: 01202 395086
Self Catering Houses - Guest House - Homestay - B&B


self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent - self catering houses - guest house - homestay - b&b - jobs -
accommodation - room - rooms - student - students - flat - apartment -
rent -
